
Monday 9th January

9am: Coffee and breakfast in Transportation Center
9.30-10.30am: Talk 1 (Heegaard Floer 1)
10.30-11am: Coffee break
11-12pm: Talk 2 (Seiberg-Witten and Symplectic Geometry 1)

1.30-2.30pm: Talk 3 (Sutured Manifolds 1)
2.45-3.45pm: Informal discussion

3.45pm: Tea in Lunt Hall

Tuesday 10th January

9am: Coffee and breakfast in Transportation Center
9.30-10.30am: Talk 1 (Heegaard Floer 2)
10.30-11am: Coffee break
11-12pm: Talk 2 (Seiberg-Witten and Symplectic Geometry 2)

1.30-2.30pm: Talk 3 (Sutured Manifolds 2)
2.45-3.45pm: Informal discussion

3.45pm:Tea in Lunt Hall

Wednesday 11th January

9am: Coffee and breakfast in Transportation Center
9.30-10.30am: Talk 1 (Heegaard Floer 3)
10.30-11am: Coffee break
11-12pm: Talk 2 (Seiberg-Witten and Symplectic Geometry 3)

1.30-2.30pm: Talk 3 (Sutured Manifolds 3)
2.45-3.45pm: Informal discussion

3.45pm:Tea in Lunt Hall

4.10pm: Denis Auroux will be giving a colloquium in Lunt Hall 105 that some participants may be interested in.

Thursday 12th January

9am: Coffee and breakfast in Transportation Center
9.30-10.30am: Talk 1 (Heegaard Floer 4)
10.30-11am: Coffee break
11-12pm: Talk 2 (Seiberg-Witten and Symplectic Geometry 4)

1.30-2.30pm: Talk 3 (Heegaard Floer 5)
2.45-3.45pm: Informal discussion

3.45pm:Tea in Lunt Hall

6pm: Banquet at the Hotel Orrington.

Friday 13th January

9am: Coffee and breakfast in Transportation Center
9.30-10.30am: Talk 1 (Heegaard Floer 6)
10.30-11am: Coffee break
11-12pm: Talk 2 (Seiberg-Witten and Symplectic Geometry 5)

Last modified Sunday January 8th, 2012